Why it Matters
The thing with any software, technology or report is, it is only valuable when it is used. What stops many organisations from getting the most from their data technology is that too few people are trained and able to use it well, or there is no one to turn to for timely advice.
Symptoms to look out for:
- A new report/system was introduced, and people avoid eye contact when you ask about it
- “This new software was meant to save us time, but it’s been months and it still seems a lot more work than our old system”
- “I wish someone had explained this to me before we spent all this time and effort implementing the new software”
- Banging your head against the wall trying to work something out because no one can give you a helpful answer
The Business Impact:
- Your staff are potentially overwhelmed or fearful to admit they don’t know how to use it, ignoring it, or resorting to old habits and workarounds. Both hinder your return on investment
- After the initial learning curve, any new and fit for purpose software should improve your team’s productivity. This is a sign that the functionality of the system and how best to use it may not have filtered down to those that are using it. The result? Exec think it’s great and everyone wastes valuable energy grumbling about it eing clear on what you need, why you need it and then finding a solution that fits is time consuming, and more often than not, this work is skipped over as too hard or not needed. The result can be extremely expensive when you find you are invested in implementing something that doesn’t do what you thought it would
You’ll either make easy to avoid mistakes, or waste time trying to figure things out on your own
How Cadence Software can help
With over 12 years industry experience, we go to great lengths to give you advice that will actually accelerate your business. Our holistic approach means we’ll answer the questions you have, and explore those you never even thought to ask.
Choose from end user training or a train the trainer approach.