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HR Integration System

HR Integration System


Nightly automated integration creating seamless data between business critical payroll and rostering systems for over 3,500 employees.


Uniting Agewell



The Challenge

This not-for-profit organisation with over 3,500 employees was introducing a new time and attendance system to manage rostering and hours worked. With no integration present, data would have to be manually copied between systems which is time consuming and high risk when the accuracy of people’s wages were at stake.

The Cadence Solution

We engineered a daily data-integration process that adds new employees to the new system ensuring both function in sync. To enable this to happen seamlessly, we built a centralised system that handles different formats of data, translates it, and produces an output ready for importing back into the source system. What this means is the client can trust that both systems are always accurate.

This is now an integral daily process that ensures that over 3,500 employees are paid on time and correctly each fortnight, all whilst the staff get some well-deserved ‘shut eye’. Without it, several staff would have to manually interrogate and modify thousands of lines of spreadsheets every single day (both headache and error-inducing). Now they can focus their time and efforts where it matters most, on quality care for their residents.

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