Council Budgeting and Reporting
Realising the potential of a Council’s existing budgeting and reporting platform.
Leeton Shire Council
The Challenge
With high hopes, this client had installed a budgeting and forecasting platform only to find after a drawn-out installation and a 2 hour completely “hands off” web training session, that the tool was just not used. No wonder when there was next to no support to get the system functioning as they envisaged. Feeling frustrated and unloved by the software developer, the client was faced with a costly and embarrassing decision: continue stumbling in the dark on their own, trying to get the system to work so they can make use of it, or go down the tedious path of sourcing and implementing yet another new system.
Luckily, they spoke with Cadence first.
The Cadence Solution
We know it’s one thing to install a system, and another thing entirely to implement it in a way that delivers real results. We went on site for a week to really understand both the client and the system setup so we could make critical changes and deliver targeted training that not only got staff confident, they were excited at all the possibilities. The IT Manager even mentioned that in the first 30 minutes of our time with them, we had done more than their software provider ever did!
We helped this client to maximise their existing platform by providing:
Group user training – live and interactive, to answer all the real questions
Administrator training, so they didn’t need to rely so much on a help desk
One on one sessions with managers to build reports customised for their departments
Re-mapped their Chart of Accounts to match legislator reporting requirements
Building income statements and financial position reports
Providing responsive, ongoing support
Set up of monthly variance commentary and reports
Budget setup and roll out so that managers were actually equipped to complete their budgets
Forecast setup and assistance
The client was over the moon that they could finally get on with their jobs, without the hassle and unnecessary expense of changing platforms.